Manufacturers of motor vehicles are concerned about the safety of users. They have installed a windshield to block the wind and also to protect drivers and passengers from objects flying across the road, especially in inclement weather conditions. But what if your windshield gets a crack, don`t worry our experienced technicians have repaired cracks up to 6” and also more than that. At Auto Glass you will experienced the best service.
However, while the windshield has become a vital part of the vehicle, it is also prone to some common problems. This is especially because it is located on the front part of the vehicle. Many drivers may have experienced these problems and some others will soon experience it.

Common Problems to Look Out for in Car’s Windshield
Chipped Glass
The windscreen is made from glass and over the years, due to use or due to impact from a really strong object like stone, metal or others, the windscreen may become chipped. A chipped windscreen is not necessarily a big problem to start with. However, experts at Auto Glass suggest that over time, the chip may expand and compromise the integrity of the windscreen and overall safety of the driver and other passengers.
While chips may look like a minor bit of damage that is manageable, in some cases, prompt attention may save you from the cost of windscreen replacements. When a chipped windscreen is noticed, it is recommended that you visit your windscreen repair technician to take a look at the extent of the damage and offer professional advice on the next line of action. In some cases, the chip may require a minor repair attempt from the windscreen tech while other cases may require complete removal and windscreen replacements.
When faced with windscreen chips, you will also need to decide whether you are interested in a DIY repair approach or you would like to visit a professional to get the job done. In most cases, visiting a professional is faster, safer and cost-effective. This is so because you may end up buying a substandard product that will culminate in safety issues and an overall waste of money. In addition, the installation procedure may be tricky and improper installation can also expose you to more safety hazards.
Cracked Glass
Sometimes, it begins with a small chip and over time, the windscreen takes a beating from inclement weather conditions and then degenerates into a crack. If your windscreen has gone from a chip to a crack or was hit by an object leading to a crack, then you may have to consider a replacement more than a repair. Visiting your windscreen technician can expose you to the various options you can choose from to ensure that your windshield’s integrity is protected and overall, your safety while operating the vehicle is guaranteed.
When faced with a cracked glass situation, you can also choose to purchase the cracked glass repair DIY kits from the market. Doing this may appear to be cost-saving but it does require experience. The lack of experience in fixing cracked glass can lead you cost more, therefore you are recommended to hire Wizard Auto Glass to get cracked car glass turning into new.
Scratched Glass
While you may not suffer a chipped, cracked or broken windscreen, a scratch on your windscreen can also be every bit as distracting as a chip or a crack. Scratches on the windscreen can cause you to want to change the windscreen. When faced with such problems as this, it is recommended that you seek out the expertise of an auto glass repair technician.
Windscreen Repair or Replacement?
When it comes to windscreen issues, more drivers are interested in saving money and this means going for the cheaper option between glass repairs and windscreen replacements. However, in most cases, cheaper isn’t always the best.
When faced with any of the windscreen problems discussed above, it is recommended that you should weigh the pros and cons of each of the options you have before deciding on the best line of action. Are you stuck in between making a decision as to whether to repair or replace your windscreen?
Some of the Factors to Consider in Making a Valuable Decision
– Type and Scope of the Damage
When considering a choice between windscreen repair and windscreen replacements, there is a need to factor into consideration the type of damage and the extent of the damage to the windscreen. Some damages are minor in the initial stages and this means that they can be repaired promptly to avoid spreading to other areas. However, some damages are massive from the get-go and this means that no number of repairs can guarantee the integrity of the windscreen. In such a case like this, it is recommended that the windscreen should be replaced to avoid safety issues down the line.
– Does the Damage Obstruct the Driver’s View?
Damage to the windshield may be negligible if the problem does not affect the driver’s view. However, for the safety of the driver and other road users, it is recommended that you replace a windshield that has been damaged around the driver’s area faster.

Selecting a Windscreen Replacement Expert?
When selecting an expert for your windscreen replacements needs, there is a need to look out for some important factors that will guarantee great service. Some of the important factors to consider include;
- Positive customer reviews
- Online listing
- Years of experience
- Versatility in being able to handle several cars makes and models
- Presence of certified, insured and licensed windscreen repair technicians
- Good price