Did you know that the average garage door gets opened and closed up to five times each day in the United States of America? Garage doors get an extensive amount of use so it is no surprise that you’ll need a new garage door at some point in the future. Many people opt to hire an installation service for garage door installation rather than learning how to install a garage door on their own.
Just because that is the path that gets taken the most doesn’t mean that it isn’t the only path. If you’re handy with tools and have some experience with bigger DIY projects then there is no reason that you can’t take care of installing a garage door.
The good news is that there are a bunch of tips for installing a garage door that you can follow when you reach a point where your home needs a garage door replacement. Keep reading this article to learn about ten helpful garage door tips today!
1. Clear Out Your Garage
The first thing that you’ll need to do when you decide to tackle garage door installation as a DIY project at home is to clear out your garage. Clearing out your garage will ensure that you have a clean and safe area to work in when you start assembling everything. Make sure that the top of your driveway is also clear.
You might have to move your cars out to the street or to a friendly neighbor’s driveway in order to keep them from getting damaged should something go wrong during the garage door installation process. You should also make sure that the floor is clear of any debris or items that could cause a tripping hazard.
2. Remove the Old Garage Door
Removing the old garage door is a dangerous proposition, and this is especially true if your old garage door comes with a traditional torsion spring. If the garage door that you’re replacing has a torsion spring then you need to get help from a professional for removal. The torsion spring is a dangerous piece of equipment that will put you and those around you in harm’s way.
This is one part of your DIY project of getting a new garage door where you’ll be grateful that you got help from a trained professional. Don’t leave it to chance, it isn’t worth a potential trip to the hospital from a serious injury.
3. Inspect Your Garage Door Frame
Once you’ve successfully removed the old garage door from your garage door frame, you’ll want to take some time to inspect the frame. Look for any areas where there is rotting or damage to the garage door frame and replace any wood that is no longer good.
You’ll want a solid garage door frame that is squared away when you start installing the new garage door for your home. Make sure that you’re thorough in the ways that you use to check out the garage door frame if you want to put safety first. A bad frame will struggle to support the weight of your new garage door.
4. Study the Garage Door Layout
A big part of installing a garage door for your home as a DIY project is taking the time to read the installation instructions and layout all of the necessary pieces. Taking this step will make it clear if you’re missing any pieces or components before you move forward with the installation process.
For the best results, use that area in your garage and your driveway that you’ve cleared out to lay the pieces out in a simulation of how they’ll get installed. You’ll have a much easier time assembling the garage door when you have a strong knowledge of how everything will go together.
5. Start Installing Garage Door Hardware
If you think about it, your garage door is one of the most important parts of your house. It is vital for keeping your vehicles safe and protecting some of your most prized possessions. It is also a vital part of your home’s security when it comes to keeping your household safe.
Odds are that your children will spend a lot of time playing in the driveway near where your garage door is located, which means that you need to make sure that you’re using the right hardware when you move forward with installing your new garage door. Using manufacturer-approved hardware is vital for making sure that your garage door is secured and installed the right way.
It doesn’t matter if you have a steel or wood garage, you need to check the fasteners that you’re using to make sure that they’re tight enough before you continue on to installing the rest of the garage door components. Still, don’t go overboard because you could end up stripping the fasteners during this part of the process.
Keep in mind that your new garage door will weigh more than 400 pounds. It is best for the safety of yourself and your family that everything is done the right way as a 400-pound garage door will cause serious injuries or worse if it falls.
6. Prepare for the Garage Door Installation
Once the fasteners are in place and secured, you’ll start installing the rest of the garage door components. You’ll need to follow the instruction manual or hire an experienced Ocala Home Builders to help to the letter at this point in the process. Skipping steps or doing the wrong thing could lead to poor installation and unsafe operating conditions.
You also need to make sure that you’re not doing these steps in the wrong order. If you want your garage door to run smoothly then you need to follow the directions closely.
7. Use a Leveler
Using a leveler is a vital part of the garage door installation process as well. When you consider that a garage door weighs more than 400 pounds, you want to make sure that it is getting installed in a way that is level rather than off-kilter. It is important that you take your time rather than trying to rush through the garage door installation process.
It is much better to take a slow and steady approach to this DIY project than try to rush through it and get it done. The first section of the garage door that you install needs to be completely level or else it will throw everything else out of balance. The more sections that you stack on, the worse the level of your garage door will become.
8. Install Weatherproofing
If you value your vehicles and the tools and equipment that you keep in your garage then it is important that you take steps to weatherproof your home’s garage door. The weatherproofing strips will not only help with insulation and keeping the heat in but will also help to keep water out.
The best approach to installing the weatherproofing is to nail it in place so that it doesn’t go anywhere. It will stay secure no matter how severe the weather outside becomes. You’ll also have peace of mind that any valuables that are stored in your garage are protected from potential water leaks and extreme temperatures.
9. Handle Spring Adjustment With Care
The spring is arguably the most important component of your garage door and it is also the most dangerous. You need to make sure that you’re using great care and caution when you start moving forward with spring adjustment for your new garage door. Your garage door won’t work smoothly if the spring is installed and adjusted in the wrong way.
A great way to test your new garage door spring is to see how balanced your garage door is when it is halfway open. A halfway open garage door with a properly adjusted spring will have perfect balance. You should notice that your garage door doesn’t want to slam shut or continue upward if it is adjusted the right way.
10. Inspect Your New Garage Door
The last tip for installing a garage door is to make sure that you inspect it and check that it works well after you complete all of the installation steps. Look at all of the things that you’ve assembled and then compare them to the diagrams in the installation manual.
It is also wise to check and make sure that everything is snug and that there aren’t any extra parts or components laying around. Your new garage door should glide open and closed when you choose to operate it. Check one last time to make sure that the garage door is level before marking it off as a job well done.
Now You’re Ready for DIY Garage Door Installation
Garage door installation will seem daunting as a DIY home improvement project if you don’t have experience with installing a new garage door. Thankfully, there are many great tips for installing a garage door that makes it easier. Make sure that you get professional help for removing the old torsion spring, and always use a leveler for safe garage door operation.
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