5 Top Tips For Van Fuel Economy

Fuel prices are notoriously volatile, which is a constant source of frustration for most drivers. New vehicles come with amazing technological developments to help minimize fuel consumption; however, it’s impractical for users to upgrade to a more fuel-efficient van every time fuel prices go up. The best way to reduce fuel consumption is to change your driving habits. On top of saving you money on fuel costs, this will also reduce your environmental impact on the road. Here are a few fuel-efficient driving tips to get you started:

Drive Steadily

Your van consumes more fuel when your speed dips and bursts. Therefore, avoid sudden braking or bursts of acceleration and instead, try to maintain a steady speed. One way to ensure steady speed is to avoid tailgating. It affects your fuel consumption if the driver ahead slows down unexpectedly, not to mention it’s unsafe. Where conditions permit, you can allow your van to slow down naturally when travelling on hilly terrain, as well as use cruise control when driving on a highway.

Plan Your Journey Ahead

Before taking a trip, especially a road trip, try planning for it in advance. Map out your route to avoid rush-hour traffic, backtracking, getting lost, or driving further than necessary; and listen to traffic reports to avoid road constructions, accidents, and other trouble spots. Spending more time on the road will only increase fuel consumption. On top of ensuring fuel economy, planning entails several other things that will ensure a stress-free ride. Ensure the van is in good condition to maximize efficiency and you have the right coverage in case of an accident. You can compare van insurance with moneyexpert.com to make sure you’re getting the best deal on your auto insurance.

Use Gears Efficiently

Another fuel-efficient way of driving is doing so in the highest gear possible without over-working the engine. Try changing into the top gears as fast as possible without accelerating harder than you need to. A higher gear means the engine is holding on to fewer revs, which in turn reduces the amount of fuel being pumped into the engine. Avoid driving at high speeds in low gears or letting the engine labor in top gear at low-speed areas like hills and corners.

Keep Tires Properly Inflated

When the engine works extra hard to keep under-inflated tires moving, it consumes more fuel. It’s best to always keep your tire pressure at the recommended level, which can be found on the instruction manual or on the edge of the driver’s door. Tires naturally lose 1-2 PSI per month; plus, radial tires can be under-inflated but still look normal. In that case, check your tire pressure every two weeks using a tire pressure gauge. Note that over-inflated tires aren’t fuel-efficient either.

Find the Best Fuel deal

Fuel providers compete to attract and retain customers. Therefore, shop around your local area for the cheapest fuel prices. Take advantage of cashback credit cards and vouchers on fuel spending. While you’re at it, fill your van with the recommended fuel type. There a common myth that super fuel, which is petrol with a higher-octane rating, is the best. While it may work for some, manufacturers have tested their vans for the best possible fuel type and you should trust that.

Author: Brandon Park