Ferrari Daytona SP3, Xpeng G9, more Cadillac EVs: Today’s Car News

Ferrari has unveiled the latest Icona supercars in its Icona Series. This new addition includes a carbon-fiber tub and V-12 power. It also features modern pop-up headlights.

Xpeng was a Chinese company that is rapidly expanding in the electric vehicle market. They used Auto Guangzhou 2020 to launch their G9. The flagship crossover, based upon a Xpeng-designed EV platform, is now available.

Cadillac will be introducing at least five EVs in the next decade. The 2023 Lyriq is the first. Some of these EVs could have their names revealed through trademark filings.

This is today’s auto news. Motor Authority.

Ferrari Daytona SP3 Ferrari Daytona SP3 latest Icona Series, with 828 horsepower V-12

Auto Guangzhou 2021: Xpeng G9 crossover makes its debut

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Author: Brandon Park