Long-Term Effects of Car Accidents

Car accidents are common in California. In 2016, there were 3,623 traffic fatalities in California. There were thousands of other accidents that resulted in injuries. Sadly, many of the victims still suffer. 

There are many consequences of car accidents. While some of those consequences are temporary, others have long-term effects on your life. Learn about the three potential long-term effects of being involved in a car accident.

1. Physical Effects

Most people experience injuries in their collisions. Those injuries vary from minor to severe. In any case, your injuries could have a significant impact on your life. 

For instance, whiplash is a common injury experienced by car accident victims. Some individuals experience relief only a few weeks after the accident. But others have a lifetime of pain. They could have daily neck pain that keeps them from enjoying life. Slipped discs and other minor injuries can have the same effect. For months or years after your accident, you could suffer.

Brain injuries can have particularly devastating long-term effects. If you have permanent memory loss, your life may never be the same. Or, cognitive difficulties could require you to have Parkinson’s caregivers by your side at all times.

In some cases, victims of accidents have spinal cord injuries. If this causes paralysis, you may never fully recover. You may be wheelchair-bound for the rest of your life.

2. Mental and Emotional Effects

Even if your physical damage is minor, your mental damage can be significant. Many victims of accident experience anxiety after their collision. This can affect their relationships with family and friends. Additionally, it can impact their performance at work. 

Insomnia is also a common long-term effect of a car crash. For months or years after your accident, you could struggle to sleep. Your lack of sleep can have a profound impact on your life. For instance, it could make you too tired to perform well at work. 

Some people experience PTSD. As a result, they might have flashbacks of the accident. They could have sudden outbursts and develop a fear of driving. Although people often associate PTSD with military service, the issue can develop after any traumatic incident. Often, the only way to overcome the mental and emotional impact of a car accident is to speak with a mental health professional.

3. Financial Effects

There’s also a financial impact. For many accident victims, a car accident causes serious financial trouble. The medical bills can continue to pile up. Furthermore, missed days of work can add to your troubles. If your injuries are serious, you may be unable to work for months. You could lose wages and lost earning potential.

Even if your injuries are minor, the debt can remain with you. Medical bills don’t just go away. Once you start building debt, you might find it difficult to recover. You could be stuck in a never-ending cycle of debt. Years after your accident, you could still feel the financial impact of it.

By working with an attorney, you may be able to prevent your debt from accumulating. You may be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. This could be done through the insurance company or through a personal injury lawsuit. Either way, Grossman Law Offices – Lawyer in Fresno can help you. They may be able to get you money for your medical bills, missed wages, and pain and suffering. 

Author: Brandon Park