Truck Drivers are Among the Safest Drivers on the Roadways

Truckers are among the safest drivers on the roadways today. Truck drivers train hard in the rules and regulations for truckers and must adhere to the highest road safety levels to get their specialized licenses. However, among all those safe truck drivers are a few that drive too fast, take unnecessary chances, continue to operate after too many hours on the road, and put other drivers at risk for an accident forsaking safety for time constraints. 

If a trucker has hit you and it was or was not their fault, we highly recommended that you seek an attorney whose expertise is wrongful accidents and death due to the trucking industry. Never fight this battle without a seasoned attorney at your side; this is one battle you will not win on your own. 

Accidents involving large trucks and cars are different from car to car accidents because trucks weigh more and are much larger than a car. Physical and mechanical damages prove to be more dangerous. Truckers must abide by a different set of laws, rules, and regulations that car drivers do not. Truckers must pay higher insurance coverage. 

Trucking Companies Never Relish Paying Compensation for Accidents

The trucking industry has a few tactics they may use to avoid paying you even though the accident was their fault. Insurance companies do not like to pay out for any accidents and are reluctant to compensate you. If the insurance company does agree to pay compensations, the amount is not enough to pay for all damages, especially if the injuries are life-changing and forever. 

The trucking industry sets up a process, including some tactics they employ when accidents happen to make it difficult for you to win your lawsuit. However, a skilled lawyer easily overcomes these tactics. This industry has a team of investigators and attorneys and carries less than adequate insurance to cover accidents. Often trucking companies require drivers to carry secondary insurance. 

When accidents occur involving the trucking industry, make sure you or someone calls 9-1-1 first and get the medical attention you need. Try to get as many pictures of the accident site as possible or appoint someone to take pictures. As soon as the situation is stable, contact an accident attorney as quickly as possible. 

Never speak to any insurance company without your attorney by your side, or if the insurance company calls you, direct them to your attorney for any questions. Never admit guilt or allow the guilty party to push you into admitting guilt. You are not obligated to make statements to any insurance company. Give insurance companies the name and number of your attorney.

An accident can cause quickly mounting medical bills, lost wages, medicine, treatment, therapy, pain, suffering, and future expenses resulting from your accident, and the effects can be long-term. Insurance companies will try to pay as little compensation as possible that does not begin to help you financially. 

Your lawsuit’s outcome affects your future, and this depends on listening and following your attorney’s advice. No one enjoys a lawsuit; however, in these cases, it is your only chance for compensation when the truck driver was at fault or not. When an insurance company offers you a settlement, and it seems more than enough, it probably is not. Leave the details up to your attorney. Your attorney gathers investigative proof that shows evidence of trucker negligence. Never barter with any insurance company. Negotiating your appropriate compensations is what your attorney is skilled in doing

Another tactic by trucking firms is to delay a trial by making excuses to delay the process. These excuses are well-thought and straightforward, such as scheduling conflicts or needing more time to collect more information. Your attorney is fair to the trucking industry and the accident victims wronged by a negligent truck driver. Your attorney never falls for truck industry tactics. 

These are only a handful of tactics trucking companies might employ to pay you less or avoid paying you at all. Their job is to make it difficult for injured accident victims to recover and move past the traumatic event. Fortunately, if you hire a skilled personal injury attorney, they can help ensure fairness in the process and hold the trucking company accountable for your injuries. Your attorney provides you with strong legal representation and advocacy and builds a strong case in court. 

Benefits of Hiring a Seasoned, Experienced Accident Attorney

There is no better position for a car accident victim, hit by a truck than to hire a seasoned and experienced accident attorney. This professional acutely trained to pay attention to detail, expounds the highest levels of professionalism, trust, compassion, and respect to all parties. When a trucking company bullies you, your attorney steps in and stops any bullying. 

This attorney has a team of investigators, expert witnesses, and has first-hand knowledge of the trucking industry regarding hitting a car on the roadway. They fill out all legal paperwork and interact with the defendants to determine the accident’s exact cause. This attorney makes sure to collect all pertinent documentation and determines if one or both parties are at fault. 

This attorney says that there is little chance of you going to court because negotiations are of the highest quality, making every effort to settle out of court. This professional determines a more than adequate compensation for present needs and compensation needed for the future. 

Author: Brandon Park