Ways To Improve Your Uber Passenger Rating

Ridesharing services have become the preferred mode of transportation for many people these days, especially for those living in big cities.  Uber is arguably the most popular ridesharing app, with an estimated 5.5 million rides per day.  If you have ever used Uber, you are probably aware of the feature that lets you rate your driver after the ride is over.  However, what you may not know is that Uber drivers can rate passengers as well. There are several factors that go into being a good passenger, all of which can help boost your passenger rating on the app.  Here are a few ways to improve your Uber passenger rating.

Be Ready

Just as you expect your Uber driver to pick you up in a timely manner, your driver also expects you to be ready once they arrive.  The longer your Uber driver has to wait for you to get in the car, the more money they’re missing out on, so be sure to treat your driver the way you would want to be treated.  To make things easier for your driver, make sure to stand outside in a visible spot after requesting an Uber. When your driver arrives you will be able to see each other, making the whole process quick and easy.

Be Respectful

Once you’re in the Uber, make sure to be polite and courteous.  Even if you’re not much of a talker, offering a simple “hello” or “thank you” can make a world of difference.  While some Uber drivers prefer a quiet ride, many enjoy talking to their riders, so don’t be afraid to engage with them.  You can learn a lot by engaging in small talk with your Uber drivers, and it’s interesting to hear their stories. Perhaps they just got married, had a baby, or are looking at houses for sale in Houston.  Conversing with your Uber driver is a great way to get a good passenger rating, so be prepared to chat away!

Be Tidy

This next tip goes hand in hand with being respectful.  You wouldn’t want someone to trash your car, so make sure you extend the same courtesy to your Uber driver.  A good rule of thumb is to try to avoid eating or drinking in the Uber. If you do end up bringing food or drinks into the Uber, be sure to take your trash with you when you leave.  Additionally, refrain from putting your feet on the seat or doing anything that you wouldn’t want someone doing in your car. Being a clean and respectful rider is a surefire way to improve your passenger rating.

Tip Your Driver

While tipping your driver is not required, it is always a nice gesture and shows that you appreciate your driver.  After your ride, you will be given the option to leave your driver a review and a tip. This is a great opportunity to compliment your driver and comment on their strong points (they were a safe driver, their car was clean, etc.).  Your driver will appreciate the kind words, and they will also be more likely to leave you a good review as well.

Author: Brandon Park