What to Do if You Get Hit by a Speeding Car

Getting hit by a speeding car can be one of the scariest experiences in life. The shock, panic, and pain that come with it can leave you feeling helpless and vulnerable.

However, it is important to stay calm and take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and well-being. In this blog post, we will guide you through the essential actions to take if you ever find yourself in such an unfortunate situation.

Read on for our expert tips on what to do if you get hit by a speeding car!

Stay Calm

Understandably, the situation can be overwhelming, but panicking will only make things worse. Take a deep breath and try to assess your surroundings.

Are you in a safe place? Is there any immediate danger around you? If not, focus on calming yourself down before taking any further steps.

Remember that staying calm can also help you make better decisions in this stressful situation. You need to have a clear mind to evaluate your injuries and determine what actions are necessary.

If possible, try not to move until emergency services arrive at the scene. Moving too much or suddenly can worsen your injuries if they are severe. Instead, wait for professional assistance while trying to keep yourself as comfortable as possible.

Seek Safety

If you’re unable to move due to your accident injuries, try to signal for help. If the accident occurred in the middle of the road or on a busy highway, you mustn’t stay in your vehicle or stand in the middle of the road where other cars may not see you. Instead, try and find nearby sidewalks or grassy areas where you can wait for emergency personnel.

Another important aspect of seeking safety is being mindful of any potential hazards around you such as:

  • broken glass
  • debris from the accident
  • leaking fuel

These of which could cause further damage if ignited. If possible, alert others nearby about these hazards so they can avoid them too. Remember that seeking safety is key when involved in any type of accident including those involving speeding cars.

Assess Injuries

Even if you feel fine at the moment, some injuries may not show up until later on. Check yourself for any signs of pain or discomfort. If you feel anything out of the ordinary, seek medical attention immediately.

It’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your health. Check on anyone else involved in the accident. Ask them how they’re feeling and if they need medical attention.

Even if there aren’t any major injuries apparent at first glance, it’s still a good idea to follow up with a doctor after an accident just in case. Some symptoms may not appear until days or even weeks later.

Exchange Information

Ask for the other driver’s name, phone number, and insurance information. It’s also important to get their license plate number and make note of their vehicle’s model and color.

In return, be sure to provide your information as well. Give them your:

  • name
  • phone number
  • insurance provider
  • policy numbers

It’s also wise to exchange contact details with any witnesses that may have seen what happened or were present at the scene of the accident. 

Document the Scene

Start by taking photos of the surrounding area, including any damage to your vehicle or personal belongings. Be sure to capture images of any traffic signs or signals, as well as road conditions.

Take down notes about what happened leading up to the incident. Write down details such as the time of day, weather conditions, and any witness accounts that may help determine fault.

Make sure to also obtain all relevant information from the other driver involved in the accident. This includes their name, address, phone number, license plate number, and insurance policy details.

Gather Witness Information

Witnesses can provide an unbiased account of what happened and may even have seen things that you missed. Start by approaching witnesses who were present at the scene during or immediately after the accident.

Ask for their names, phone numbers, and addresses. If possible, take note of any identifying features like clothing or vehicles to help you remember them later.

Be courteous when asking for their information as they are not obligated to give it to you. Explain that their statement could help determine fault and resolve insurance disputes.

Report the Incident

When reporting the incident to law enforcement, it’s important to remain calm and provide as much detail as possible. Be sure to give a clear description of what happened, including any factors that may have contributed to the accident such as weather conditions or road hazards.

Providing accurate information can help authorities determine who was at fault for the accident and take appropriate action. Additionally, filing a police report will be useful when dealing with insurance companies later on.

In some cases, if you choose not to report an incident immediately after it occurs, you may be held liable for damages incurred by other parties involved in the accident. Therefore, it’s always best practice to contact law enforcement right away in case there are legal repercussions down the line.

Seek Medical Attention and Legal Help

Even if you think you are unhurt, you could have suffered an injury that does not present itself. After seeking medical attention, contact this rideshare lawyer to gather all the necessary information about the incident.

This includes gathering evidence, such as photos of the accident, and taking statements from eyewitnesses. The car accident lawyer will also ensure that as the victim of the vehicle collision, you have sufficient legal protection in terms of medical expenses, pain and suffering, and car repair bills.

Ultimately, seeking medical attention and the help of a rideshare lawyer will ensure that you receive the best possible outcome.

Know What to Do if You Get Hit by a Speeding Car

To conclude, if you get hit by a speeding car, seek medical attention right away. Then, if you can, gather evidence of the incident and stay organized with your documents.

Most importantly though, contact a personal injury attorney who can help you navigate the complex legal landscape and seek justice for your pain and suffering. Don’t delay; contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

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Author: Brandon Park