You Were in a Truck Accident: What Now?

Colliding head-on with a truck isn’t high on anyone’s bucket list but unfortunately, it’s not an impossibility. Alongside the fact that trucks are 20-30 times heavier than your average vehicle on the road and a lot harder to manage, trucks are often on the road transporting goods for long distances, making driver fatigue a pretty common occurrence. That being said, truck drivers and regular drivers alike should always be cognisant of other vehicles on the road. Ending up in an accident with a truck can feel colossal, and there are a few important factors to keep in mind after doing the most important bits like calling the police.


When it comes to injuries acquired in a crash like this, seeking medical attention is always first and foremost. Getting yourself checked out for a concussion and other potential injuries is crucial, as soon as possible after the accident. Relating to this, it’s always important to get in touch with an injury accident lawyer. Truck accidents are no joke, and the impact can cause major damage. Speaking to a good lawyer to sort out the legal side of how to handle this is definitely something you are going to want to put pretty high on your priority list. 

Documenting Evidence

When it comes to making claims on accidents, there are a few key pieces of information that will need to be presented to the companies you’re working with, and therefore need to be documented beforehand. From the personal information of the driver that you collided with and potential witnesses to photographic evidence of what happened and the damage to both vehicles, try to make sure you cover all your bases. This article details some of the most important data to capture before you leave the scene of the accident. 

Watch Your Words

Wherever the legal forces are at play, it’s best to think before you speak. First of all, angry words are not going to solve any sort of problem, regardless of who was at fault in the situation. After an accident, everyone involved is typically ruffled and should be cut some slack. More importantly than that though, relates to the legalities involved. Checking in with your lawyers before you admit to anything or accuse anyone of anything is always the safest route to take. 

All that being said, prevention is better than cure, and driving safely at all times should be the first course of action. Though there are many potential causes of truck accidents, they can oftentimes be avoided simply by being aware of your surroundings on the road. Being an attentive driver, implementing any and all safety measures or precautions you could take (that implies always wearing your seatbelt), is first in line. Making sure that your mechanics are in working order and being extra careful in bad weather are some other good precautions to take on the road. Finally, simply following the rules of the road should keep you safe in most circumstances.

Author: Brandon Park