3 ways the heavy haulage industry is changing in 2021

Due to the Coronavirus, the uncertainty of 2020 has certainly impacted industries across the board, not least the heavy haulage sector! But in 2021, heavy haulage businesses like JB Rawcliffe have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare themselves for a brand-new year.

So, what New Year’s resolutions should your heavy haulage be making off the back of the Covid-19 pandemic? Here we go into three ways that the heavy haulage company have adapted to face the challenges of 2021 head on.

#1 Practicing adaptability

If Covid-19 has taught us one thing, it’s that being adaptable in the face of change is absolutely key to success. Businesses all over the country have sadly had to close their doors as a result of the damming effects of the pandemic, but one industry which has managed to come out on the other side is the heavy haulage company.

But, this success hasn’t come easily.

The ability to be agile and resilient has played a crucial element. Supply chains all over the world have suffered because of the pandemic, and it has meant that many heavy haulage companies have had to be ready to respond quickly to changes. With measures in place for emergency situations, and additional employees trained in new protocols, the majority of heavy hauliers have been able to implement new strategies in keeping with the constant changes.

#2 Going greener

Every year transport companies consider ways they can become more environmentally friendly, and 2021 is certainly no exception. As a heavy haulage company, it is part of your responsibility to find ways of operating with reduced carbon emissions and minimal environmental footprint. 

Doing so will go a long way to ensuring your longevity and success as these are qualities that more companies than ever before are looking for in their heavy haulier. 

#3 Responding to feedback

In the past, many haulage companies have carried on with their inhouse protocols regardless of customer feedback, but all this is changing in 2021. With social platforms acting as a place for customers to review and recommend, it has been easier than ever to be left good, and bad feedback.

In a bid to build a positive, reliable reputation, more heavy haulage companies are becoming more receptive to feedback, taking advantage of the opportunity to improve services and increase custom.

Is your heavy haulage company 2021 ready?

The haulage landscape may have changed forever, but there is plenty you can do to ensure you not only survive but thrive throughout the next year.

Whether you’re a large established KV company or are still pretty new to the sector and trying to navigate through the uncertainty of the last 12 months, following these 3 points can be a great way to set you in good stead for the future.JB Rawcliffe are one such heavy haulage company who are putting plans in motion to continue their growth, whilst offering their customers a reliable, consistent service throughout the current pandemic and beyond.

Author: Brandon Park