6 Fuel Efficiency Tips for Your Car

The reality is that rising gas prices have been affecting Americans in more ways than one. It has forced people to change their driving and spending habits, but the following tips may help you improve your fuel efficiency that could help you fight rising gas prices.

1. Slow Your Roll

One of the smartest driving decisions you can make is to avoid pressing on that gas pedal too hard. Do not try to test your vehicle’s acceleration at any time while driving.

Don’t do it when the light turns yellow or when you see a straight, empty road that you want to dominate just to have fun. Avoid doing anything like this because it ends up forcing your engine to take in more fuel than necessary. If you want to keep your gas expenses as low as possible, then slow your roll.

2. Stick to Your Fuel

You’d be surprised how many people use better fuel types for their vehicles because they think that will be better. You want to stop doing that and stick to the fuel type that is recommended even if it’s the cheapest option.

It is commendable that you are trying to do right by your vehicle, but you are wasting your money if you do this. Read your manual, and trust that what is recommended is the right fuel type for your vehicle. If your vehicle does require the higher priced fuel, then stick to those, but work on replacing this vehicle with a vehicle that won’t force you to spend so much on gas.

3. Watch Your Weight

The next thing you want to worry about is the vehicle’s weight. It’s easy to pack your vehicle with all the stuff you think you need, but all that weight adds up and puts a strain on your vehicle.

Place all those bags, tools, and other unnecessary items inside your home or in a storage facility to keep the load in your vehicle as light as possible. It may also be a good idea to avoid taking every single person in your family on outings.

4. Watch That Tire Pressure

Most car owners don’t worry about tire pressure, which is a mistake. Bad tire pressure is not good if you want your vehicle to be as fuel efficient as possible. Most folks check their tires to see if they have air in them and that’s pretty much it.

This is not good enough because the right tire pressure is not something you can assume just by looking. Bad tire pressure means you may be increasing drag, and that makes the engine work and consume more gas than it normally would. You can purchase your own tire pressure reader, or have your tires inspected every so often to make sure the tire pressure is good. Consult your owner’s manual to see the recommended tire pressure.

5. Idling is Your Enemy

Everyone has found a reason to leave their vehicles idling for some time. Maybe you are picking up someone, or maybe you are simply deciding where to go next. No matter the reason, do your best to avoid this action.

If you happen to know that someone is going to take some time to come out or you aren’t sure what time the person you are waiting for is going to be ready to be picked up, just turn off your vehicle. Idling eats up your fuel, and if you do it often enough, you are forcing yourself to fill up prematurely. This is important to keep in mind, especially with the way gas prices continue to rise.

6. Refuel When It’s Cold and Early

Some people may not know that fuel expands as the environment gets warmer. When you fill up when the temperature is warm, you might not get a full gallon of fuel.

If you go at night or early morning when the temperature is lower, you might get more fuel for your money. Now, you have a better chance of getting a boost if you go to independent gas stations because the oil sits there longer. Name brand stations pump new gas all the time, and the temperature is better maintained. It is going to feel pretty chilly out there if you live in an area that gets cold, but you may get more fuel, and that is a smart fuel efficiency choice.

These are just some things you can do to try to improve your fuel efficiency. Talk to your mechanic to see if there are other things you can do to fight all these rising gas prices.

Author: Mike