Are Self-Driving Cars Truly the Future Or Are They Just Another Gimmick?

The past few months have been abuzz with the term “artificial intelligence”. After all, the technology has the potential to replace humans, and that’s both a good thing and a bad thing. There are many jobs that are limited by the possibility of human error and by introducing a computer into the equation, we are able to mitigate, if not totally eliminate the human error factor. This type of change becomes advantageous because computers are far more accurate and consistent than human beings.

That is the main premise of injecting artificial intelligence into our current technologies. But what of the disadvantages?

Well, from a moral standpoint, we are less liable for the things that happen around us. It would be much easier to simply chock it up to a glitch in the software or something similar.

One aspect for which AI seems to be incredibly useful is in the realm of transportation. See, vehicular accidents are more common than one might be led to believe. And well, nine times out of ten, human error will always be deemed as the main cause of these accidents. Whether it’s an error in terms of driving or an error in failing to adhere to proper maintenance procedures, human error will almost always be at the core of these accidents.

Self-driving cars seem to be the answer. Or at least, that’s what the major tech companies think.

I beg to disagree. Just like every machine that’s ever been built, self-driving cars and their key components are prone to failure. They may be more reliable than humans, but the fact that there remains a chance of failure should be more than enough to make anyone wary of the technology.

Now, say that an accident does happen involving a self-driving car. How do you determine whose liability it is? The passenger? The AI? The car manufacturer?

Luckily, if there’s one thing that isn’t going to change, it’s the fact that you’re still going to need capable car accident lawyers such as the professionals at the Lichtenstein Law Group.

See, the problem here is that we may be becoming too reliant on our technology when we should, in fact, simply be focusing on honing our skills and road awareness. Self-improvement should be the first and foremost solution to any problem. I mean, are you truly willing to leave your lives in the hands (virtual hands, at that) of a machine?

I know that the industry means well. But what I truly think is that there has to be a balance between human control and assistive technology. And that technology is already mainstream. Why don’t we, instead, strive to improve the measures that we already have instead of creating a new set of problems to deal with?

Wouldn’t it be more practical and more efficient if we simply improved assistive driving and safety technologies? Because in my honest and humble opinion, having someone or something else do the dirty work for you isn’t the solution — you’re simply passing the responsibility to someone else.

Author: Brandon Park