Currently Unemployed and Have a Car to Pay For? Here’s How You Can Get Money

Life is not always as we planned it to be. Sometimes, there are challenges along the way that we must overcome. One such challenge is sudden unemployment, be it because of downsizing or your company’s sudden cessation of its operations because of the tough competition out there.

Obviously, money is going to be a challenge during your period of unemployment. Where are you going to get the money for your car payment? This is probably one of the most pressing questions that will not let you sleep well at night. Others might tell you to just let it go, but it’s totally understandable if you decide not to. A car is really important for mobility that even non-earning college students would want to have one!

We understand the frustration and anxiety that this unfortunate situation brings. Because of this, we present steps that you can take to help yourself get by as you look for your next job.  

Social Security Benefits for Unemployed Individuals

The United States’ social security system has provisions for unemployment insurance. This means that members or contributors to the social security program are entitled to pension for a certain period when they suddenly find themselves in an unfortunate state of involuntary unemployment.

The amount that the unemployed individual receives and the terms that they must agree to are going to vary, depending on which state they reside in. So you’d have a clear idea of how calculations are made and how this whole thing works, you can coordinate with your locality’s employment office and follow their instructions.  

Quick Loans

When we talk about loans, many people suddenly think of proof of income and credit ratings. While these things are required for bank loans, there are special types of loans where lenders do not even ask to look at such records. Loans that offer cash for motorcycle title are good examples. All you have to do is provide proof that your bike (which will be used as collateral) is really under your name, and then you can get your much-needed borrowed cash.

Online Work

If “real-life” office-based jobs are hard to come by, there are always freelance online jobs that you can take on. There are now online work platforms where you just create a profile and start applying for jobs that are usually project-based. The complexity of the jobs that you can take on varies. You can get to work on tasks as complicated as computer programming or as simple as writing product descriptions for posts on Amazon! Whichever fits your skill set should be good enough for the time being. The difficult period of unemployment is not really the time to be choosy.

Garage Sale

For sure, you have stuff lying around the house that you can safely live without. Do your shelves have too many ornaments on it? Is your closet full of clothing items that you are not even wearing anymore? Do you have books that you don’t have plans of reading again?

You can put such items to good use by making them available to others in your very own garage sale! You will be surprised at how much money you’ve been ‘freezing’ in items that are not really that important to your survival.

Getting money while unemployed can be a challenge. But it’s not impossible to overcome. You just have to exert some extra effort.

Author: Brandon Park