Getting your oil changed is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of maintaining your vehicle. But how often should you change your oil? That’s something we are often left wondering.
If you’ve tuned out when the mechanic tells you when to do this, you might need to pay better attention to the number of miles your car is traveling. That’s a good measure of how often you need to change the motor oil.
Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Keep reading for a quick guide to help you determine how often you need to change your car’s oil.
How Often Should You Change Your Oil?
It is typically recommended to change your oil every 5,000 miles or every 6 months, whichever comes first. However, this may vary depending on the type of engine oil, the age and make of your vehicle, and your driving habits. It’s a good idea to consult your car’s owner’s manual for specific guidance.
Generally speaking, though, more frequent oil changes are better for your car. Frequent oil changes keep the engine clean and prevent the buildup of sludge and other contaminants.
Some carmakers like Chevrolet recommend an oil change Chevrolet every 7,500 miles for most of its models. You can check your Chevrolet car owner’s manual for more specific oil change recommendations.
3 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Oil
If your vehicle starts making strange noises, this could be a sign that your oil needs to be changed. Your engine should run relatively quietly, so if you start hearing knocking or ticking sounds, it’s time for an oil change.
If your car oil is looking dirty or is low, this is another sign that an oil change is necessary. Check your dipstick to see what the oil level is. If it’s low, add more oil. If the oil looks dirty, it’s contaminated and needs to be replaced.
If you notice that your gas mileage has decreased, this could also be a sign that you need a new oil filter or an oil change.
If any of these things are happening, it’s time for an oil change. Be sure to change your oil as soon as possible to keep your vehicle in the best condition.
Choosing the Right Oil for Your Car
Choosing the right oil for your car depends on a few factors. Keep in mind the climate where you live, if you live in a hot climate you’ll want to use a lighter oil. A thicker oil is better for a cold climate.
Also, newer cars can generally use synthetic oil, while older cars might require conventional oil. You’ll also want to check your car’s owner’s manual for specific recommendations.
The Advantages of Changing Your Oil on Time
If you want your car to run properly, you need to change your oil on a regular basis. Oil changes are important because they keep the engine clean and running smoothly. Old oil can cause the engine to overheat and break down.
Changing your oil on time has many advantages. It prolongs the life of your engine and improves fuel economy. So don’t neglect your oil changes, they are crucial for the health of your car.
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