How to find the right car for your needs

So you are in the market for a new car, are you? Well, if you’re going to go into this search in a logical and prepared way, then there are many things that you’ll need to consider. Everyone has their own way of thinking and their own way of doing things. The items outlined here are simply there for you to think about. The goal here is to give you information that will help you in your search for a new car.

What type of car do you want?

The first thing you want to consider is what kind of car do you want? Maybe you want a nice fancy sedan or maybe a nice truck. What if you want a really cool Jeep? Whatever it is, make sure you have a very clearly defined idea of what you want. To help define this try to think of the people, purpose and price. Who are the people that will be riding in the car? Perhaps you want a car with a really great safety record. What is the purpose for the car? You will certainly think differently about what kind of daily driver you want than you would if you are looking for a weekend off-roader. Lastly, what price range can you afford? The point here is to make sure you don’t have “Champagne taste on a beer budget”. Unfortunately, it is a simple fact of life that you must be reasonable with your budget.

Where will you look for the car?

One of the next things to consider is where you are going to go look for a car. In today’s day, the very first place most people go is to the internet. The benefit of this is that you can get a solid idea of where the particular type of car that you want is located. Once you find said location, you can check on that company to make sure they are reputable. Check them out with the Better Business Bureau. Even see if any of your local friends know anything about the business. If they do then ask them for their opinion about it. Ask them if they or anyone they know has bought a vehicle from the company. The point is, use any and all advantages whether they be digital or the old faithful word-of-mouth. DO YOUR RESEARCH. This is true for anything but especially for car shopping.

How will you finance?

Another very often overlooked part of buying a car is financing. Most people seem to simply leave the financing up to the company that they buy the car from. Please understand that, even if they are honest and forthright salespeople, they are not on your side. Their job is to sell you a car and then upsell you on as many upgrades as they can get you to take. However, you can actually get your own financing by shopping around with different companies to see who will give you the loan that’s right for your budget, with an APR that you are happy with. You do not have to finance with the same company that sells you the car. People have walked into car dealerships and showed the sales person the check that they have from their financing company and told them that they will only spend that much and not a penny more. That’s not a bad idea. This gives the sales person a stopping point. They automatically know what cars they can and cannot show you. This also helps to put you a little more in control of the situation. This is because you can tell them what your budget is “out the door”.


Remember, think about what kind of car you want, where you’re going to go look for it and how you’re going to finance it before you start looking.

Author: Mike