Ride sharing and what you should know about it

Ride sharing has become a popular way for people to cut down on traffic, save money on gas, but also help the environment. However, this alternative method of transportation is particularly appealing to tourists traveling abroad. Being able to get around, regardless of what country or city you might be exploring, without worrying that you are spending all of your traveling budget on taxis is certainly convenient. Why should you direct your focus towards this type of transportation alternative when abroad? And what should you know on the topic in order to make the most out of this possibility? The following details will give you the insights you need on the topic:


The right app can be used wherever you go

Whether you are visiting London, Central Oregan or Montreal, if you have installed the right transportation app on your phone, you can book your ride at any given time. That’s the greatest part about shared rides, the international versatility they come with. One powerful example in this situation is of course the already well-known Uber, which can be used in a large number of cities across the globe. This means that if you already have it on your phone, you can use the same method as in your home-town to order your ride. It’s important to research the benefits of each transportation app in the destination you are targeting, just to make sure you are actually accessing the best option locally, in terms of money and transportation comfort as well. However , the best apps now available on the market are usually accessible in multiple locations – it couldn’t get more convenient than this


The strongest advantage that comes with ride sharing is affordability. While in the city you live, taking a taxi somewhere might not be that expensive, in other places around the world, fees can go higher than you imagine. When traveling, an unreliable taxi driver who notices you are a tourist, could always manage charging you more by avoiding to take the right shortcuts. With ride sharing, not only will you be able to access the most affordable transportation fees (and often even discount and deals), but you can also track the road on your phone’s GPS, making sure the driver isn’t stalling just to charge you more. Also, because the money is usually taken from your bank account through the app, tips are also not expected from you.

Ensuring safety during rides

What might prevent many from taking an Uber, for example, while in an unfamiliar city are safety concerns. If you are not used to ride sharing apps, you might find it a bit risky to get in a car of someone you don’t know, this seeming to cause far more safety worries than your regular taxi ride. Well, once you research the topic more thoroughly, you will discover that the companies that enable ride sharing, in this case Uber, take enough safety precaution to ensure passengers of the reliability of drivers. However, if you want to take matters into your own hand and ensure yourself that someone who can actually trust is picking you up, you can always use a people search feature on a lookup site. Because you are granted the number and name of the driver in advance, you can do a quick search on them rapidly online, and access the information you need to give you peace of mind that you’re not getting into a car with a dangerous person. Nowadays, you will find everything you need on the internet by using the right lookup tool – fast and easy.

Don’t forget your luggage!

What you should make sure you won’t forget is the baggage you have placed in the truck. Because you are travelling, you might be carrying a lot of things from the airport to your hotel room, and to not face an unpleasant situation, when the car stops, let the driver get down first to open the trunk. You probably don’t want ending up at the police station, in a foreign country, having to explain how your luggage got lost or stolen, so never exit the car before the person driving has.

Turning your data off

One other thing you should know about booking a ride on a car sharing app is that you don’t have to keep your data turned on during the entire trip. Once you have made your booking, and the car arrives, you can safely turn yormour data off, in order to not be overcharged with international internet usage fees. Many travelers avid using these sorts of apps while abroad, because they fear being subjected to high fees on their mobile plan – but once you research the topic, you will discover that this isn’t the case in the majority of situations.

Setting pick-up location – be specific

The majority of apps designed for transportation will demand you to insert the pickup location. While in the majority of cases, the GPS feature on your phone will give the exact address, sometimes, errors can occur. It’s better to know the exact address of the location and to check it before booking a ride, just to make sure the driver comes exactly where you are. While in a foreign country, the driver might not know English, and communicating via phone call can be extremely difficult, so check locations specifics with precise care.  

Ride sharing apps have become extremely popular over the last year, especially for travelers who want to get around the cities they visit without having to pay a fortune on taxi fares. This travel alternative brings various advantages to the table, but might also raise concerns among many, in regards to safety mostly. If you want to access the advantages of taking an Uber for example, but you want to keep things safe and convenient, the tips mentioned above will help you on the matter. Stop wasting money on transportation while traveling, and download a reliable car sharing app as soon as possible.


Author: Brandon Park