Valuable Tips for a Pleasant Temporary Moving Experience

Your employer has sent you on a short-term assignment, you’re planning for a month-long vacation, or you’ve sold your house before finding a new one. In such situations, you’ll have to move for a short period of time—maybe a few weeks or a couple of months. This can be frustrating if you have no idea how to handle a temporary move or where to start.

Tips To Help Make Things Easier During Your Temporary Move

Know Where You’ll Stay

Unless you have someone willing to host you during your short stay, you’ll have to find a viable temporary accommodation, such as a hotel room or short-term rental.

It’s worth noting, however, that a short-term rental is usually a more cost-effective option when compared to extended hotel stays. If you’re not planning to move all your furniture and possessions, consider going for a fully-furnished short-term rental.

Moving to other place

Don’t Bring All Your Belongings

A temporary move simply means that another move is just a few weeks or months away. You want to make things easier when you come back or move again.

Therefore, consider leaving behind unnecessary items such as kitchen appliances that you hardly use, off-season clothing, and furniture. You can rent a portable storage space to keep all the stuff you certainly won’t need at your temporary place.

Don’t Unpack Unnecessary Items

Sometimes, some items you’re supposed to leave behind still find their way to your temporary home. If that happens, simply leave them in the box and tuck them in a convenient corner.

Packing up is one of the most exhausting and frustrating tasks of the moving process. So, keeping unused items packed ensures that you’ll have fewer things to pack up during your next move, which is just a few months away. As mentioned above, you can always plan to keep them at Storage Units as well if you are planning to have a move sometime soon.

unpack items

What to Do with Your Current Residence?

If you have people sharing your current home, like family members or roommates, consider leaving the property under their care. If you’re staying alone, however, you’ll have to choose between continuing paying for the house even when you are away or letting go of it.

If you’ll be away for a significantly short period of time and your finances are in order, it would be economical to continue paying for your home rather than selling or storing your items and appliances. You can even rent out the residence to another short-term traveler.

Conversely, if you’ll be away for several months and you’re struggling financially, it would be prudent to let go of the house. This is especially true if it’s a rental.

Whatever you decide to do with your current residence, it is important to ensure that your packages, bills, health services, and other important mail will still get to you. That’s why a

change of address is important even with short term moving. You can easily and conveniently update your address online, so you don’t have to waste time visiting the post office.

Author: Brady Anderson