What to Do With Your Car When Relocating for a Job

What to Do With Your Car When Relocating for a Job

Job relocations are full of emotions. There’s excitement, nerves, anxiety, fear, expectation – the whole gamut. And stuck in the middle of all of these emotions is the logistical nightmare of having to move all of your stuff from one location to another. This includes your car!

Oh, no! What do I do with my car?

Perhaps this is the first time you’ve even thought about how you’re going to manage getting your car from your current city to the new one. And while this might be fairly cut and dry for some people, it can be a little more involved for others.

For example, let’s say you’re moving from Miami to Seattle or from Vegas to Boston. Those are big moves that require some careful planning.

With all of these factors in mind, let’s take a look at five things you can do with your car when relocating:

1. Consider if You Need the Vehicle

The first step is to consider your actual need for a vehicle. If you’re from a suburban area where everything is spread out, you obviously use your car on a daily basis. But what if you’re moving to a downtown location in a big city like New York, Boston, or Chicago? It’s possible that you won’t even need a car.

Research the frequency, reach, and reliability of public transport in your new location. Consider aspects like daily commuting, weekend travel, and emergency movements. Also, take into account the cost savings from not using a personal vehicle, such as fuel, maintenance, parking, and insurance.

2. Consider Selling Your Vehicle

If you decide that you do not need a vehicle – or you’d simply rather get rid of your current car and buy another one when you arrive in your new city – selling is an option.

The benefits of selling your vehicle are obvious: immediate cash flow and one less thing to worry about when moving. The con, however, is that you have to get rid of a perfectly good car and may need to purchase one in the future. (And we all know how crazy the car market is right now.)

3. Ship the Vehicle to Your New Location

One of the easiest options is to ship your vehicle to your new location. This obviously incurs some expenses, but there are creative ways to approach it.

For example, let’s say you’re moving into a short-term luxury rental that your company is paying for. A lot of luxury property management companies have services that go above and beyond just collecting rent and scheduling repairs. They may be able to set up the shipping of your vehicle to your new home. Your company will need to reach out to coordinate with them, or otherwise assign you a relocation specialist to handle those details.

4. Drive Your Car to the New Destination

You can obviously drive your car to your new destination if needed. Some people don’t want to mess with a cross-country drive, but if it’s only a couple of hours away, this is probably the easiest option. You can either hire a moving company to move all of your other belongings, or you can get a friend or spouse to drive your vehicle while you drive the moving truck. This allows you to keep your vehicle and not have to worry about all of the other complicated steps.

5. Explore Temporary Storage Options

When relocating for a job, there might be instances where you’re unsure about the long-term need for your vehicle in the new location, or you might be anticipating a temporary stay. In these cases, utilizing temporary storage for your car can be a decent option.

If you do go down this route, do your due diligence and find the right storage facility. While standard storage is cheaper, climate-controlled units offer protection against extreme temperatures, which is vital for keeping your vehicle in good condition. It’s also smart to have storage insurance to cover potential damages or theft while in storage. Some facilities might require it, while others leave it optional. Get it regardless.

Don’t Let Your Car Become a Problem

At the end of the day, you have enough to worry about with a job relocation. The last thing you can afford is to let your vehicle stand in the way of you finding a good fit and thriving in your new job. As much as you might not like to think so, cars can be replaced.

So, if it’s becoming a huge logistical nightmare, you might just consider going with option number two in this article and selling it. This will allow you to start fresh once you arrive in your new city.

But, when it’s all said and done, it’s totally your call! Take some time to figure out a game plan and then go out and execute it!

Author: Web admin