Why drive in raves are the way of the future

It’s no question that 2020 is cancelled. We have missed out on so much this year we sadly missed Beyond Wonderland, Coachella, EDC, Hard summer, and many other events that we had so looked forward to going to. But a new thing is coming out that may at least give us a few good memories of 2021.

New Normal

It’s become increasingly aware that these safety protocols that are in place currently are going to be around for quite some time. We have to adjust to this new lifestyle in many different ways. It might not seem easy at first but over time it will become just a habit for us.

The big question here, is how are venues and production companies going to provide a safe sanitary environment? With over 100,00 different people walking around it is almost impossible to provide a CDC perfection environment. 

We have to understand that masks and hand washing and preventing each other from touching each other are here to stay.

We just want to have fun  

It’s evident, we want to have a good time. We are tired of having to stay home, not seeing our friends, doing things we love to do. This evidence is supported by the number of “underground” raves that are being held in secret locations such as the desert, mountain tops, abandoned warehouses, farms, etc. These types of events often have zero safety protocols in place and people are spreading germs left and right. Oftentimes the roads leading to these underground raves can be dangerous and can damage your car. So production companies are trying to figure out how we can still have some fun and be safe at the same time. 

Drive in raves become an idea 

After much planning and what seemed like dead ends, an idea was created and the concept was somewhat familiar to people. The idea was creating  drive in raves. If you have ever heard of drive in movies then you can already imagine what it would be like. You would be able to view your show from the car with your friends, while safely distancing yourself from everyone else. You would not have to worry about annoying rave trains bumping and pushing you, or about some random person’s sweat getting on you.

But how safe is it actually?

With the social distancing part of it taken care of, what are the other pros about drive in raves? And even cons. 

When you purchase a ticket for a drive in rave, you are actually given 2 spots: a spot for your vehicle, and then a spot for you to dance in. So you are actually not confined to your car the entire time, which makes getting out and being able to dance a lot better. Because when we’re raving we do definitely want to dance. 

Although a negative part that has been up is that it encourages driving under the influence. Which unfortunately could be true for some people. But we are here to remind you that operating a vehicle under the influence is highly dangerous and it is always recommended that you have a designated driver with you at all times if you are planning to drink. 

Adjusting to this new normal

This new chapter that has affected everyone’s life is going to be a long chapter. Although every chapter ends eventually, let’s learn how to improvise so we can still have fun and make memories. After all, fun is extremely important and needed for our mental health. As long as we are willing to keep an open mind and be willing to try new things we will have a lot of fun. And the whole point about a rave is the memories and good vibes. Keep spreading those good vibes and stay safe!

Author: Mike