How to Maximize Your Car’s Storage

Your car is useful not just because you can drive it everywhere you need to go but also because you can transport things in it. Whether you’re helping your friend move to a new house or simply going grocery shopping, you want to make the most of the space that you have in your car. Follow these tips to maximize your space.

Get Rid of Clutter

It’s easy to let random possessions and trash build up in your car. Your children leave their toys and books in the backseat, you forget to bring in your coffee mug from your commute to work and all of the fast-food wrappers mysteriously end up in the trunk. Not only does this accumulation of clutter make your car dirty, it also makes it hard for you to transport anything. Each weekend, go through your car and remove any trash or things that belong in your house. That way, when you have to use your car’s space, you don’t have an overwhelming number of things to take care of.

Stack Items Carefully

When you have to put many things in your trunk at the same time, figure out how you can stack items or put them inside of each other. For example, when you’re grocery shopping, it’s easy to lose track of how much you have inside your grocery cart since its heavy duty plate casters allow you to push a lot of weight. However, your car probably has less space. Heavy items such as boxes of soda and bags of flour can go on the bottom, while breakable foods such as eggs should go toward the top of the pile. Just make sure to stack everything in such a way that it will not slide everywhere if you have to slam on the brakes.

Put Empty Seating to Use

Unless you have a large family or are bringing lots of friends with you, you probably have at least one seat open. Passenger seats work well for storing items that are not fragile, since there is a chance that they will slide off. The foot space below empty seats usually is more constricted than the wide-open space in your trunk, so it can keep boxes secure.

Don’t panic if you have to use your car to move many things at the same time. Just reconsider how you are using the available space, and you’ll be surprised at how much room you have.

Author: Brandon Park