What To Do If You’re Injured In A Rideshare Traffic Collision?

Realistically speaking, you might have lots of reasons why you opt to use a rideshare service. Whether you’re trying to avoid accidents, traffic, or other driving problems, using some rideshare services, such as Lyft and Uber, can be an excellent option. However, just like other driving options, these services can also change your life forever when you get involved in a traffic collision.  

When this happens, chances are you might not know what to do after the accident. You might be asking yourself who’ll cover your medical and hospital bills, and what will happen to your family when you can’t work due to your injuries.  

Thus, if you’ve been injured in a rideshare traffic collision, below are the things you should do from the get-go: 

Seek Immediate Medical Attention 

Of course, when you sustained injuries resulting from a rideshare traffic collision, the first thing you should do is seek immediate medical attention. Call 911 and get yourself treated by a medical practitioner. By doing this, you can prevent any further injuries that can impact your ability to work and enjoy your life.  

Depending on your injuries’ severity, you might be required to stay in the hospital for a few days or weeks. As such, don’t hesitate to ask for a copy of your medical assessment and report. This document can be used as a piece of evidence when seeking compensation from rideshare vehicle collisions caused by the negligent parties. 

Take Control Of The Accident Scene 

If you only sustained minor injuries, the next thing to do is take control of the accident scene to protect any compensation claims you’ll have against the negligent parties. In short, you should do the following steps: 

  • Contact a dedicated lawyer from reliable firms, such as Spaulding Injury Law, who can provide you with valuable legal advice.  
  • Take pictures of your injuries and the collision scene. These photos can also be used as evidence in case you file an injury claim.  
  • Assist the law enforcement authorities to complete the police report by providing all necessary information about the collision.  
  • Ask for the personal and contact information of all witnesses to the accident.  
  • Request for the insurance information of all drivers involved in the collision.  

File An Injury Claim 

Again, a rideshare traffic collision can be a startling experience, especially when you suffered injuries due to someone else’s negligence. Because of this, you might have the right to pursue an injury claim to receive compensation for your injuries. In doing so, you should seek help from an experienced lawyer to do the following when filing an injury claim: 

  • Determine Liability – When you’re filing an injury claim, determining who’s liable in a rideshare accident is crucial. Unfortunately, you might have a difficult time obtaining compensation due to some complicated liability issues. Rideshare service providers, such as Uber and Lyft, are app-based companies, not brick-and-mortar transportation firms. As such, they can deny their liability in a rideshare accident since their drivers are independent contractors. This is where your lawyer comes to the rescue. They’ll investigate your case and look for grounds to file a claim against the rideshare driver, ridesharing company, or the third-party driver. For example, they can help pursue additional damages through Uber’s or Lyft’s motorist policies.  
  • Determine The Value Of Your Claim – Aside from the liability, your lawyer can also help you recover the full compensation you deserve. That’s why if you don’t know what your claim is worth, they can consolidate all the damages you’ve sustained, such as the current and future medical costs, lost wages, emotional trauma, loss of enjoyment of life, and other expenses, and calculate the true value of your injury claim.  
  • Collect Evidence – Typically, filing an injury claim for rideshare accidents means you need to prove the other parties’ negligent act. In doing so, you can hire a lawyer to help you gather pieces of evidence against the responsible parties. For example, they can use their professional connections, such as medical experts, to support your claim.  
  • Do All The Paperwork And Observe Court Processes – When filing an injury claim, your lawyer can do all the paperwork to make sure you pursue your case before the time limit or the statute of limitations expire. Moreover, they can also ensure that all procedures are followed when bringing your case in court.  

As you can see, there are several ways a lawyer can help you when it comes to filing an injury claim. Thus, if you want to be legally represented, don’t hesitate to hire a certified legal professional for your unique situation. And, to know how much it cost to work with a lawyer, watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fPhr5H6htc for more information.  

Bottom Line 

Indeed, dealing with a rideshare traffic collision can be a traumatic experience. Therefore, if you’ve been into this kind of accident and unsure of where to start, keep these tips in mind so you’ll have an idea on what to do to protect your rights as an injured victim. Lastly, find an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you handle your legal situation. 

Author: Brandon Park